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Solihull Society

Land Rover National Rally

LRNR Land Rover National Rally 2023 Moab, UT @ OST...
Tom Cryer

Our Solihull Society Rally for 2023 will be the first week in October, 2023. There was much discussion about which week, how early or late in the year to hold it, and more. Long story short, The Old Spanish Trail Arena is the best venue in Moab for us to hold court.

With this being said, we know this will interfere with some attendees from years past schedules. When all the calendars were compared and synced up, this was the only choose. WE apologize for any inconvenience associated with the overlap with other Land Rover Events. The last thing we want to do is the delete the brand with competing events.

Finally, as we move into the future, since our events move from one year to the next, many venues will only reserve space 1 year out. We will have to make some additional decisions moving forward. Do we choose on venue and book long term, do we continue as we have been going or do we build a more robust planning committee with venues all over Rocky Mtn. Region. So much to reflect on. If you have ideas, please post to this thread. We all have great ideas. Please share!

Eric Doctor

Just registered for Moab & wondering about camping at the arena.

Does my event registration get me a campsite (understand they are primitive) or do I need to arrange separately?

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