This is the preliminary schedule for the 2025 Rally.
MONDAY, September 22nd
3:00p-7:00p Registration and Vehicle Check-in
4:00p-5:00p President’s Welcome and general info
4:00p-7:00p Welcome BBQ
TUESDAY, September 23rd
7:00a-9:00a Lodging Registration and Vehicle Check-in -Main Parking Lot
8:00a-9:00a Breakfast
8:15a-8:45a Trail Line-up
8:45a Driver’s Meeting - at respective trail-run line-up location
9:00a Depart for Trail Runs
6:00p-7:00p Dinner
WEDNESDAY, September 24th
7:00a-9:00a Lodging Registration and Vehicle Check-in
8:00a-9:00a Breakfast
8:15a-8:45a Trail Line-up
8:45a Driver’s Meeting at respective trail-run line-up location
9:00a Depart for Trails
6:00p-7:00p Dinner
THURSDAY, September 25th
8:00a-9:00a Breakfast - Dining Hall
9:00a-12:00p Volunteer Event - National Forest trail recovery/trash clean up
6:00p-7:00p Dinner
7:00p-7:45p Land Rover Films/Photo Display -
FRIDAY, September 26th
8:00a-9:00a Breakfast
8:15a-8:45a Trail Line-up - Service Road[s] (follow signs)
8:45a Driver’s Meeting at respective trail-run line-up location
9:00a Depart for Trails
7:00p-8:00p Banquet/Awards
SATURDAY September 27th
8:00a-9:00p Breakfast
12:00p - Latest departure