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Welcome, Land Rover Owners!

March 2023 Membership Meeting @ The Bull and Bush
By Tom Cryer
Posted: 2023-03-23T06:00:00Z

I believe a fun evening was had by all. We had about 20 past, present and future club members in attendance. The Bull and Bush, however, was so noisy, we could not conduct any business.

So, all that was left to do was to sit back and enjoy a couple of Pilsners and the crew at hand. Being the social butterfly that I am, I wandered back and forth from the two tables asking questions, what can we do to attract more members to meetings, do you know a better club meeting place? and so on, will you be at the LRNR this year?

I've created an extensive list for the betterment of the club, meetings and the LRNR Rally.

Keep in touch, you might learn something

Solihull - Club Express Updates

  • Moab Details/Requirements Left to do?
  • Volunteer Signup Website
  • Contact Sponsors for Raffle Prices
  • We have a trail leader position on the website, Andy Snow???
  • What better place to have a Saturday/Sunday Morning Club Meeting Than…..???? Genesee Park 10:00 AM???
  • Distribution of Duties
  • Club Budget
  • Membership Dues
  • History Page
  • British Concurs Man Booth 
  • Solihull Home Meeting Location
  • Merchandise 
  • Newbie Run
  • Communications Person
  • Event Manager
  • Calendar Entries
  • RSVPs 
  • Trail leader training
  • Tool Kits - Vehicle Specific
  • Series Page
  • D1 & D2 Page
  • D3 & D4 Page
  • Get all Exec and membership meeting on the calendar
  • Email Membership Routine Schedule
  • Duplicates on Membership List
  • Moab trail Registration Page for LRNR?
  • Access to Manuals/Permissions/Ask Jake
  • Survey Page?
  • Add Sponsor Page (Year Long Sponsor Involvement)? Facebook and Insta too?
  • Vendor Survey
  • Overland Journeys Blog Topic Link
  • Who can blog…???
  • Social Media Enhancements
  • Trail Run Page/Forum/Blog help? Chuck Yates/David Weitz/Stacy Harley
  • Build a more robust registration page per Paul’s list 
  • Added Executive Team Meeting, but couldn’t get it to populate into the Future/Repeat
  • East Slope and West Slope Identities (Trail Run, Etc.)
  • Long Tail URL to “Click Link” on Registration Page
  • Clarity on Board Members and Committee Directors/Chairs
  • Font Size on site? WebSite Look and Feel
  • Show who can see the registration list?
  • Linking Social Media to Website?
  • Budget, Budget, Budget for LRNR - ASAP
  • Homepage Header Order
  • Maximum Guest Invites Per Vehicle?
  • For Sale Page for Members/World?
  • Header Resolution/Background Member Log In
  • Header Resolution/Background Member Log In
  • Made Thayer and Jake Administrator and Coordinator
  • Forum Administrator?
  • Repair LRNR page to 2022 specs ASAP with fresh URL Link
  • Sent Mass email to members to update there Solihull Account.
  • Invitation to Solihull Christmas Party email to members
  • Fee or Late Fee for late registration?
  • Registration Order (Vehicle First) (Passenger) (Children)
  • Spread to the entire week on Event Calendar
  • Traffic Count

Tagged as Bull and Bush